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Winter Time Excitment

The winter months bring an exciting time as our native lands are resting while Jack Frost skips across the fields.

Countless interesting flavours and textures, which have all been dormant over the warmer months, start to reemerge sparking inspiration across many minds.

Mother Nature may have been showing her colours a little early this year, though, as its been warm all the way up to November, which could be crippling future flavour excitement - WATCH THIS SPACE

One thing we can be sure of now, though is that we are not far from the UK growing season it's so close we can smell it but hold yourself back as it's easy to spring forward too early, and you could find a hiding wasp giving you a nasty sting. Things will start to appear in early March

Below you will find some ideas as to what the months of December through to March can offer - Watch out though. It's not all good news.

The Guide January - March

The Glimpse

There might not be that much local product around throughout Winter but don't panic there are plenty of fruit options that will excite.

£ - Affordable & in Good Supply
££ - Mid Range in Good Supply
£££ - Expensive in good Supply
£££££ - Expensive - Supply Could Be Difficult

  • Shutterstock 1524584330
    Cranberries - USA **£**
  • Shutterstock 10657969221
    Medjool Dates - Turkey **£££**
  • Shutterstock 1778461589
    Red Currants - Holland **£££**
  • Shutterstock 6691199081
    Cherry - UK **££££**
  • Shutterstock 1145910953
    Kumquats - Spain **££**
  • Shutterstock 10733381787
    Pomegranate - Turkey **££**
  • Shutterstock 1119857546
    Pears - All Types - UK **££**
  • Shutterstock 15657980021
    Sharon Fruit - Turkey **£££**
  • Shutterstock 118649839
    Red Grapes - Spain **££**
  • Shutterstock 2069035553
    Clementines - Spain **£**
  • Shutterstock 11948959782
    Figs - Turkey **£**
  • Shutterstock 440759149
    Mango - Brazil **£££**
  • Shutterstock 5480220671
    Dragon Fruit - CR **£££**
  • Shutterstock 1903550254
    Blood Orange - Italy **££**
  • Shutterstock 777072766
    Kiwi - Turkey **££**
  • Shutterstock 1898761969
    Physalis - China **£**
  • Shutterstock 2190389205
    Quince - France **££**
  • Shutterstock 749537272
    Pomelo - CR **££**

The Seasonal Veg

Rhubarb why is it in here??? - Rhubarb isn't a fruit its actually a vegetable - this section highlights items that should be investigated throughout the winter months.

This selection of months really brings the creative edge from a chef as although colourful the flavours are deep and united.

£ - Affordable & in Good Supply
££ - Mid Range in Good Supply
£££ - Expensive in good Supply
£££££ - Expensive - Supply Could Be Difficult

Shutterstock 629663540
  • Shutterstock 2356174872
    Jerusalem Artichokes **££**
  • Shutterstock 520337782
    St George Mushrooms - UK (MARCH) **££**
  • Shutterstock 713145700
    Forced Rhubarb - UK Jan-March **££**
  • Shutterstock 1694716777
    Watercress - UK **£**
  • Shutterstock 1129012094
    Sweet Chinese Cabbage - Yorkshire **£**
  • Shutterstock 479684683
    Celeriac - UK **£**
  • Shutterstock 2075205643
    Cavelo Nero - UK **£**
  • Shutterstock 1252584796
    Fennal - Italy **££**
  • Shutterstock 1513039574
    Winter Greens - UK **£**
  • Shutterstock 2046585872
    Green Sorrel - UK **£**
  • Shutterstock 67428223
    January King Cabbage - UK **££**
  • Shutterstock 5628954371
    Pumpkin - France **France**
  • Shutterstock 10115741381
    Cauliflower - UK **£**
  • Shutterstock 2075205643
    Cavelo Nero - UK **£**
  • Shutterstock 1653632254
    Blue Topped Turnip - UK **££**
  • Shutterstock 10862704161
    Broccoli - UK **£**
  • Shutterstock 754580983
    Red Cabbage - UK **£**
  • Shutterstock 1225193833
    Parsnips - UK **£**
  • Shutterstock 2961065153
    Smoked Garlic - UK **££**
  • Shutterstock 66263707
    Swiss Chard - UK **£**
  • Shutterstock 11343036261
    Samphire - UK **££**
  • Shutterstock 788596249
    Courgettes - Spain **£**
  • Shutterstock 292449140
    Spring Onions - UK **£**
  • Shutterstock 1566553873
    Cucumbers - Spain **£**
  • Shutterstock 15190991151
    Red Meat Radish - France **££**
  • Shutterstock 1805865055
    Truffle - Italy **££££
  • Shutterstock 293803514
    Radish - UK **£**
  • Shutterstock 1555263921
    Heirloom Tomatoes - Spain **£**
  • Shutterstock 1545090501
    Globe Artichoke - Spain **££**
  • Shutterstock 1496866055
    Blueberries - UK **£**
  • Shutterstock 2490242562
    All Lettuce - Spain **£**
  • Shutterstock 5857403151
    Kohl Rabi - Spain **£**
  • Shutterstock 1461834557
    Aubergines All Types - Spain **£**
  • Shutterstock 2221495871
    Crosnes - France - **££££**
  • Shutterstock 2023830971
    Girolle - Poland **££££**
  • Shutterstock 168764198
    Salsify - Holland **££**
  • Shutterstock 6285727071
    Tumeric - Ghana **££**
  • Shutterstock 1513039574
    Sugar Cone Cabbage - UK **£**
  • Shutterstock 1252584796
    Fennel - UK **£**