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The Inner Beauty Is Key

The world of fresh produce changes every day and ranges from the very large right through to the smallest regional producer of specialist items. It is an exciting, challenging, frustrating, rewarding and fulfilling industry and Delifresh have a huge appreciation for the integrity of the product.

Our range of fresh produce is varied and forever changing in league with the seasons, from the basics and essentials through to the most fragile and unique, we are able to deliver this comprehensive basket of goods at its optimum best.

We champion wherever possible our regional food gurus and closer to home is where our search will always begin. Nothing gives us more pleasure than developing new products with our existing suppliers, reducing food miles and our environmental impact through innovation and the sharing of our collective knowledge

Our links with growers and exporters within Europe and the integrated dynamic logistics we have in place ensures that product can be harvested fresh from mainland Europe and delivered into kitchens within less than 48 hours.

We Respect & Understand Every One Of Our Products

Chicken Of The Woods Mushroom Shot Full
2 39
Shutterstock 399960925
Wild Garlic On Mass Spring
Dav 9761
Dav 9032
Dav 3670
Dav 8953
7 39
Shutterstock 94868236
8 39
Shutterstock 168764198
Dav 9491
Dav 9202
Shutterstock 512344813

Reducing Complexity

Time, consistency, portion control and waste are all factors that affect the daily smooth running of any kitchen. By working closely with our expert supplier in all things peeling, dicing, shredding, slicing, turning and so on we can offer a great selection of prepared fruits and vegetables that will most definitely help you spend more time and resource in other areas.