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Welcome Back!

The past few months have been without any question the most incredibly testing period any of us involved in the supply chain to the catering industry have ever witnessed.

Our heartfelt sympathies go to all that have suffered, those that are feeling uncertain about the future and those having to completely rethink business plans due to the impact this unberlievable situation has caused.

Delifresh has been working extremely hard throughout this period by remaining open, supplying food and support to many people across all of our communities - A MASSIVE thankyou for all the support during these times we have collectively helped thousands of people over the past few months.

Now the new normal seems to have arrived we are energised, ready for action and excited to inspire all around about those beautiful flavours that the seasons hold.

Your Refresh returns with force and over the next few weeks you will see this inspirational tool change and adapt into a lifeline for your kitchen. We have been working extremely hard creating something new and ultra exciting which is nearly ready for a soft launch so hold on tight :-)

We are ecstatic the trade has returned and for those still hibernating your time will arrive to get back into the heat and rustle up extreme amounts of seasonal excitement.

Sit back & investigate the following pages and join with us to celebrate all that mother nature and our outstanding producers hold to excite many.

How Exciting Is This...
Shutterstock 1275538141

Enjoy The Glide