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It's Back...

Welcome to another edition of Your Refresh.

Last week we saw staggering amounts of eyes glide these food infused pages and this week alone over 350 new subscribers have joined eagerly awaiting to be connected with the season.

There is no doubt about it we are all in a situation which has taken over all our thoughts and with no real deadline its worrying times for many - One thing to note Delifresh are here to support our community as best we can.

Quickly we set up www.mydelifresh.com for doorstep delivery and this past week have also started compiling essential food parcels which we are delivering to the NHS across the north along with the new nightingale hospital in Harrogate.

We are here to help with your food supply over these troublesome times - Although lockdown is here it doesn't stop the growth of our native food and we are starting to see some amazing local products arrive - watch out this week for the arrival of Local Outdoor Yorkshire Asparagus.

We are committed to continuing to share the love for our local food, our commitment to the growers & producers as never before has it been so important to support the people who spend hours in the fields.

Everyone now has the ability to embrace and try these magical flavours at home - HOW EXCITING!!!

Any Links Clicked Will Open A New Window Into MyDelifresh - Just Flip Tabs To Get Back.
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Are You A Winner

Last week we saw countless entries for the opportunity to win 25% off your order on Mydelifresh.

Did you win - Glide over to Smile, Camera, Action via the menu below to find out.

Before you go though here are few entries :-)

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