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Sometimes it’s difficult to be sure if you are utilising the best options when it comes to your side dishes and core garnish needs.

This section will simply highlight 3 core flavours every week which are in abundance and at their best value for the week ahead.

It’s time to see what the GP fairy is conjuring up this coming week.
Shutterstock 680702350
  • Shutterstock 24610237
    Red Cabbage **In Stock**

    Now the colder weather has rolled in to make us all chilly, those long braised options are flowing from our cells.

    What better way than to pair them with the mighty Brain Cabbage !!!!

    We all know red cabbage loves a long slow bake sunken into orange, sugar and all things beautiful. Grown by Robert Tomlinson red cabbage is so affordable this week it's making our brains hurt.

  • Shutterstock 762240865
    Swede **In Stock**

    Who can resist a good chunk of baked swede ????

    Often overlooked due to its deep flavour swede is so cheap you would be crazy not to utilise its inner beauty.

    Baked in salt, pureed, steamed, mashed the options are endless, and if you haven’t got swede on your menu you are most definetly missing out - It’s a GP saving beauty.

  • Shutterstock 176916920
    Sweet Potato **In Stock**

    The other week we went through the fantastic facts around the sweet potato – for those that didn’t get to read it one fact that stuck in our brains was the fact the trusty sweet potato is in fact not a potato !!!

    We will touch on all the facts another week until then embrace this elongated orange Yam and release that sweetest and enticing natural flavour they host.

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