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How Much Rain ???

There's no doubt about it Mother Nature has released those damaging droplets once again as heavy rain hit with significant volume.

Although it's a tad wet, we have witnessed an array of outstanding flavours arriving every day - There is plenty to get excited about make sure you glide over to Be Inspired.

Don't forget about Golden Del Boy as he has an offer you may not be able to live without.

Enjoy this week's Refresh and get ready for a little change next week as even more inspirational information will be arriving for you to enjoy.

How Exciting...
Shutterstock 665253709

Enjoy The Glide

**11th November**

Your Delifresh Answerphone will be changing slightly on the 11th of November - by the time you read this, it could have even already changed!!!

Just like your kitchen, we are continually looking for ways to improve our service and over the past few months, we have been developing hard to implement many new ways of working - ensuring our product is located, packed and transported with the greatest of care.

These new methods drive excellence for you, our people and the beautiful product we lovingly look after daily as it awaits your order.

One new addition to our service will involve a requirement of your short customer code to be entered upon order placement.

If you don't know your customer number don't panic it's located on every invoice we supply we have also delivered a handy card along with your order cut off time for you to remember.

If you still don't know it just give us a call and we can easily give you this over the phone.


Christmas Has Landed - Click Below To Discover More...