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Inspirational Christmas Pudding Madness !!!

Did you know... The first hand written Christmas Pudding recipe dates back to the Middle Ages, where they were known as mince pies! The ingredients were: partridge, pheasant, poultry and rabbit.

In the 14th Century, the Christmas Pudding looked like porridge!

It was traditionally eaten before the Christmas celebrations went ahead.

The Puritans believed it was not a holy pudding, and should not be eaten by the followers of God. Over the years this has definitely changed, most people have Christmas puddings for their desserts.

The Sunday before Advent was known as ‘Stir Up Sunday’ is the traditional date for making a Christmas pudding! Everyone in the family should stir from east to west, whilst making a special secret wish! When you're making your Christmas puddings this weekend make sure you give it a try!

The traditional pudding is topped with holly sprigs to bring good luck and healing properties.

The brandy poured on top is set alight, to represent Jesus’ love and power for humanity. We bet you didn't know that!

A silver coin was added to the Christmas Pudding mix, as this wouldn’t taint the mixture or corrode the coin. It would be wrapped in grease-proof paper as a ‘Christmas gift.’

To find the coin was to be seen as lucky, and it would be kept. Other party favors added would be a tiny wishbone (for luck), a silver thimble (for thrift), silver anchor charms (for safe harbor), or a ring (for future marriage and wealth).

How crazy is this... In the 17th century Thomas Cromwell is said to have banned the eating of Christmas Pudding along with all festive merriment from carols to carousing in a bid to tackle festive gluttony and restore Christmas to its religious roots. It was suggested that instead of a feast day, Christmas should rather be a fast day. We know what we'd rather have!

Make sure you come back next week for your next Did You Know!

Merry Christmas!!

How radical is all of that ??

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