Connection Trouble !!!
Reliance on technology was so very evident this week which possibly touched us all by the collapse of a mobile data network across the UK.
Seconds into the issue connectivity was cut causing carnage and instant panic for many as their handsets and connected software platforms across many industries collapsed due to lack of connection.
As a nation we all limped on trying our best to gain connectivity via WIFI but if you were one of the unlucky people to be out in the wild, you would have most definitely felt the pain or immense joy of a zero contactable day.
Modern technology now plays a hugely important role in all our existence as we can't go a single second without being touched by this most radical yet beneficial scenario.
When you take a step out of the kitchen, it's amazing to see even as creative culinarians we heavily rely on technology to get us through the day.
Can you imagine working through a shift without the ticket machine, self-cleaning oven, online connected dishwasher(really???) Even your stick blender can connect with you these days.
With such a reliance it's important we take time to understand every little thing about their presence, enabling us to get the best out of the technology at our very fingertips.
Times are rapidly changing and having that instant connection and on-demand ethos around all we do, will help us all to move alongside with the accelerating connected environment a kitchen actually is.
2019 is most definitely going to be an exciting and connected year especially if you are a regular delifresh Refresh follower!!!
Thoughts For The Week Ahead:
There is no doubt that technology is a double-edged sword. Just like fire it can cook our food bringing intense flavour and the true inner beauty to our senses, but can also burn, hurt and destory all instantly.

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Meaningful Words...
As creative minds we often find ourselves in a situation where the heat is on as the pressure builds during service and our cells actively battle to get you through the situation with total organisation.
In the heat of the moment words may slip from your lips without notice which can often be very hard to fix the damage these vibes could easily cause.
With festivities flying towards us with lightning speed its important to remain focussed, connected and totally organised as we work our way through what for many is the busiest time of the year.
To relieve the pressure as much as possible Delifresh are here to help with your supplies throughout this busy period.
Our Christmas website is here with all the festive news you may require so if you haven’t already make sure you check it out. – (especially if you're in the need for Mince Pies or Christmas puddings)
Over the next few days we will be communicating our opening times on here and any order cut off restraints we have in place over the festive period also.
There is no doubt we will all be in the heat as we strive to excite our guests senses making sure thier plates are full of seasonal flavours when they come to visit our establishments.
We must unite and give them a Christmas meal to remember whilst making sure we equally get time to enjoy the period with our own families.
Weekly Thoughts :
Words are the most powerful force available to humanity. We can opt to use this force constructively with words of encouragement and excitement, or destructively using words of despair and hatred.
Words have energy and power with the added ability to help, heal, hinder, hurt, harm & humiliate but most of all to bring love and happiness to everyone they touch.

If You Want To Read
Thoughts From Previous Week's They are under The Menu !!!
It's All In The Planning....
In such a fast-paced, active and most demanding environment which a kitchen is, planning is essential to make sure our teams are focussed, ready and excited about the mission that lies ahead.
Mother Nature likes to challenge our senses with irregular weather patterns, slow growth and in some cases no show crops - as for some strange reason things simply decided never to appear !!!
Making sure we are connected to the season is imperative to run that steady ship while giving us the ability to create some mind-blowing seasonal dishes for all to enjoy. No matter how well prepared you think you may be, there is always something that can crop up which will totally knock your senses offline.
Perhaps the scenerio you had gone over and over in your cells turns out to be severely different to what you thought it was going to be, or possibly something doesn’t have that flavour edge you had expected. These challenges come to evolve our senses and push us into a reactive state while we battle to ensure its service as usual.
If you ever require any further information around the season, a particular product, in fact, anything food related make sure you get in touch as we love to inspire.
Dont struggle with the season, or guess as to when things may arrive - Get in touch via any of our channels as we are availble 24 hours and will most definetly be able to help you on your mission.
Thoughts For The Week Ahead:-
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, or the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.

Good Day ???
How many times through your existence do you get asked if you're having a good day ???
This common phrase is often a way of breaking the ice as you greet strangers or your colleges upon arrival for another day in the kitchen or while you are out walking the dogs.
This past week we bumped into a fallen warrior who for decades strived to perfect his craft on the plate making many people happy on his journey throughout his career. We didn’t mean to meet it was a surprise as we scurried along the kerbs going about our evening.
Once sights locked, the words have you had a good day instantaneously erupted to be greeted with NO – Shocked by the answer given we passed pleasantries and went home to check our lids for holes ready for the next day ahead.
The words No rumbled around our senses for a period as thoughts of mental wellbeing and the how as an industry we can make sure our teams day within our environment are enjoyed to their full. This thought rumbled on for a few days as we got snippets from people of how bad they thought their days were panning out.
It's easy to expect the correct answer to have you had a good day ??? It's even more comfortable not to actually ask the question and take the people you spend more waking hours with for granted.
Ensuring we all enjoy our working life can only bring a more enjoyable environment, it can only make our teams stronger as they too feel the buzz, as they enjoy their climb up that so very steep career ladder, making memories of their own on their journey.
As creative culinarians, we strive for perfection under such intense environments - Fun, safety and wellbeing of our teams is imperative to make sure when someone asks that question to our people their answer will always be – “I've had a great day”
Thought’s for the week ahead-
A Good day doesn’t have to be the day before your break; it doesn’t even need to be once a year on the day of your birthday. A good day should be every day; we shouldn’t let a bad day arrive once in a while.
Realistically we only ever have one bad day in our lives.(think about that) Open your lids to the day in front and embrace every second ensuring your craft and presence is enjoyed to its full by all around you.

As creative culinarians, we are a driven, determined and truly inspirational group of people.
The time of year is switching and with heartwarming dishes arriving onto menus throughout the north its that time of year where our creative drive is required, even more so as we battle through until some warmer rays appear over in 2019.
Living life on the edge is often the case as we navigate our way through our daily existence. Seasons come and go with rapid fire and it's extremely easy to find yourself ploughing every second of the working day into just getting through to the next sunrise.
Remaining proactive in such a reactive environment which a kitchen is, it's imperative a close team of people with a similar passion and drive is formed.
People flutter into our lives without warning bringing new ideas, creative flair and most of all a sense of evelovment for our teams, as new ideas are bound around bringing excitement and vigour to all they touch.
Embracement is required by all to ensure the best for our team is maintained, and the full benefit of our people is felt by all especially the food we place on the plate daily.
Have you ever had the opportunity to step out of the box and do something you so LOVE but rarely get the opportunity to capture the buzz of orchestrating ???
Riding a bike is often used as a scenario around once you learn the skill it never leaves you - it's not until you hop back on that saddle after some time away you remember how exciting, skilful and genuinely embracing the skill you hold actually is.
People, Passion, Skillset & Evolvement are all things relevant to our daily lives in a kitchen. Never forget the skills your team maybe hiding as they may just be waiting to showcase a hidden talent - let them feel that rush and give them the oppertunity to flourish - it could be just like riding a bike for them and you maybe pleasantly blown away .
Thoughts for the week ahead -
Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it - bringing a full circle of happiness into both your lives as you battle through to the next sunrise!!!

Let Them Sing !!!
This past week has been a time of reflection, planning and most of all inspired thoughts as we head deep into autumn and the rapidly approaching festive period.
Planning is a key driver for many, and as creative culinarians, we must all spend time reflecting, adjusting and most of all being proactive in keeping up with the seasons ensuring our minds and teams are refreshed at all times.
As we work through our lives its easy to see older beings becoming drained, devalued & in some cases aggressive as they spit and swear - shouting about how the world which in their eyes is crumbling all around them. At the same time, the younger generation is excited, busy inspiring their cells whilst making plans as they build a platform for their journey ahead.
This polar opposite is often forgotten and held back as its easy to do what's always worked; It’s even easier to become blind and contrary to new vibes. As an industry, its imperative we unite letting the younger generation flex their cells, let's embrace these new thoughts & guide them on their journey to become far better than ourselves and push the industry into the next galaxy.
The Younger generation needs to be able to sing, and although will require guidance during their chorus we should respect their fresh approach, new ideas and driven engagement - as this will only result in a brighter future while the youngster run the future show.
Delifresh is continually committed to spreading our Love Of Food as we push the seasonal message to all - Our veggiecation scheme exists to help drive inspired thoughts for our younger generation to offer them a step on that ladder that we all possible never had !!!.
Thoughts for the week ahead –
It's easy to forget others, cast away those inspiring thoughts. Let's build with our community, for our community and wait to see the most outstanding results as people unite together stronger than ever before to create a better future for all.

Soak It Up....
Working closely with food during every second of the waking day brings challenging times for our cells as we continually adjust our skills and creations to simulate the seasons in every way possible.
As creative culinarians, our drive is to create and keep in front offering our guests the opportunity to be placed into a state of sheer excitement as your food touches their senses in many ways.
No matter which way you look at it our jobs are all around bringing memorable experiences to all as they fuel their veins in our presence but hopefully remember the experience for an elongated time.
Our brains are fine-tuned to be consistent, creative and so very committed to our skill and as we move through the slats on our journey opinions and criticism will most definetley be given on occasion. This continual hit of personal opinion is something our driven minds can manage in different ways, some criticism is positive, some not so and in some cases, people will judge for the sake of it.
We spend countless hours refining our skills making sure our teams are united and most of all we enjoy our work to its full. It's easy to become knocked; it's even easier to take criticism the wrong way or even in some cases retaliate as passion easily takes over.
One thing we should remember and place firmly in our senses if you have a goal be driven to succeed, become resilient to infection, be steadfast ensuring you reach the end point you require but most of all make sure you soak up any vibes along your journey as you will most definitely learn from all.
This past week we have spent time with warriors discussing this situation in depth as our trade is continually touched by platforms where free speech is promoted often by people who don’t understand your vision or are blinded by ego. We must learn from this and try our uttermost to push back so our opinions are heard and realised if we can do this on the plate rather than retaliation for all to see how powerful would that be ???
Thoughts for the week ahead
Remember: Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. (For DS)

Sleeping Sweetness
As creative culinarians, we strive to perfect our skills on every occasion but one thing that we all must do from time to time is close our lids to regenerate our cells and check them for holes.
Some don’t like to admit that sleep is a period we all require and battle against their lids closing as our over-reactive minds create havoc with any form of pattern our body tries to give us.
Without any doubt, we all know sleeping is required so we can exist and truly become the best in all we do.
This is getting a tad deep we know but just think about the typical pattern of an overly creative mind which we hold as chefs.
It's easy to see how sleep deprivation can easily occur, we need to work together to make sure our teams are rested and energised as this is truly imperative to remain unique and so very creative in all we do.
Some may get a good period of sleep, some battle through the day with extremely little and others get to sleep easily but find themselves being ever so crazy while they are actually asleep !!!
This past week we bumped into another friend who holds a most demanding job with people in his team that simply don’t understand his mission.
Sleep deprived he carries on his commitment to succeed and build the bridge to bring his ever increasing team together to create food to the best of their ability.
Taking a step out of the box for a few moments the worry around the future was so easily noticable and although words of support and embracement will be a short fix for his mind, the fact that unless we keep our reservoir topped up with inspiration and our bodies in good structure slippage occurs easily and panic soon takes over.
Our thought for the week have been taken from our unplanned collision with our good friend.
If you have that feeling you may be losing everything - Just remember that most trees lose their leaves every year but stand tall, remain strong and steadfast while they wait for better days to arrive.
The leaves will most definetly return once again and bring with them a new season of happiness.

It's A Long Way Down!!!!
As creative culinarians, we glide through each day in what sometimes can be complete organised chaos as the days rapidly approach and swing past us without notice.
Time is one of those things that can give us all so much pain but thinking outside of the wave we are all gifted with the same amount!!.
This past week we bumped into a fallen friend who took a terrible dive whilst being so very creative. The way we organise our brains and actions can be severely detrimental at times and without a secure and rewarding environment, it's easy to fall that oh so long way down.
The hospitality trade is renowned for tipping minds quite severely over the edge, as a continual effort, we all should unite and help battle the severity that such a situation could possibly bring.
As part of our commitment to the future generation of our trade to make their journey into our most rewarding environment seamless our pop veggiecation arrived in Newcastle college to inspire the minds of the future.
Witnessing these young and eager creative folk brought visions from the past of troublesome times when you are faced with something you have no idea about.
The delifresh veggiecation scheme exists to educate and bring a sense of realism and love for all thing’s food.
The excitment our veggiecation brings is amazing to see, these most dedicated young people are imperative to the succession of our trade and we should take every opportunity to help them on their journey. Enabling them to have a secure and educated entrance into our very creative and exciting world of the kitchen.
Maybe you know someone who needs some Veggiecation???
Here is a thought sparked from our fallen hero.
When you find yourself swimming you need to ensure your head is kept high, your legs constantly kicking and most definitely never give up.
Dig deep into your cells to extract the items you require and ensure when you get that feeling of sinking far too deep - reach for the top to be able to taste that oh sweet flavour that you get once you know you're free.
If there is one thing we should all remember it's this:
When you have the choice to be either Right or Kind, always choose KIND!!!

Lost But Not Forgotten...
Days fly by rapidly as our creative vibes continual flood from our cells enabling the heartbeat of Delifresh to be felt by many across our lands and beyond.
It's amazing to witness the interaction of many that are touched by our love of food. This past week has brought visions into our minds of future tasks and dreams which will enable our Delifresh experience to be even more greater in future weeks, months & years to come.
Exciting times most definitely lay close for all our warriors and there is no doubt you will feel our strong, committed heartbeat no matter where your journey takes you in the future.
We know this is so very cryptic but exciting times lay ahead so make sure you are firmly close by to Delifresh and join in our journey as we start to build a most exciting experience for all.
We bumped into old friends this past week and without notice, they sparked our cells into action to investigate a new and most exciting idea. It's amazing that through our lives as creative culinarians we meet and become close to many, as our journies cross paths from the kitchen to kitchen.
We quickly lose contact as we drift apart but someday your cells drift back together and tales of old times start to flood through.
It becomes a tad radical when someone says something which captures your heart and sends your mind into overdrive and they don’t even know something has actually just happened!!
The season is on the change and as our dishes start to migrate into more heartwarming options you must remain creative and alert at all times – make sure you are continually refreshed and feed your teams minds, so they can learn from this most exciting switch of seasons.
By being given the opportunity for all to speak up, listen and learn will help develop deep relationships with all, plus give the opportunity to unite and share stories of old in the future. (building memories is so very important)
Here is a thought for the week sparked from our very good lost but now found friend!!!
A piece of driftwood may enter into your life one day, knowledge less and scared. It quickly becomes our duty to nurture this wood and make sure when the time comes for it to float away on it's onward journey it does so gliding away as a piece of polished oak - Remaining strong and committed along it’s journey.
One day you might bump back into line with this most glorious piece of polished oak and be oh so very proud…. (WD for you)

It's The Shoulder Time Of Year
This week has been a rollercoaster of a ride.
In our existence as creative culinarians we all set off with a mission at the beginning of our week which usually changes without notice as the week progresses.
As a chef this is something that we have all grown to be able to manage and obtain great results from - This is a skill that most chefs hold and others gawp in awe as we react but remain proactive in our so very busy environments.
This past week we have witnessed new and innovative flavours, investigated new growing methods, reconnected with warriors who are roosting in for the autumnal months, planned and attacked a new online revelation, witnessed a severe change in the season, not to mention been touched by a sense of realism around all things alive and how so very short our lives actually can be.
It's most definitely been an exciting few days and as we strive to make sure all far and wide are touched by the Delifresh love of food - its imperative to remain creative at all times and this is why our Refresh is alive for all to see.
Whilst drifting into sleep last night thoughts around the season and this rapid change came flooding into our cells. This uncontrollable change is most noticeable at the moment as the trees are pushing hard to eject their leaves as they start to back down and reserve the energy for the fast approaching winter season. The conkers have all already dropped and its extremely easy to see the energy-depleting from the leaves.
Even as we type this a long gaze into the branches of the most awesome ancient oak tree opposite, we can see a cheeky squirrel with cheeks full of autumnal goodness in a desperate rush to capture as much food as possible to secure his future before the weather sets in.
It's easy to be drawn into the rush of the day to day drive, it’s even easier to forget about anything else that’s occurring outside of our creative vision. It's most imperative to take time to energise our minds which inturn enables our cells to perform at their best bringing radical results all around us.
Throughout our lives in the kitchen, it’s a long, long way to the top of our careers, it's even a longer way down if you ever fall !!! Bringing our minds in line to make sure we don’t get lost in another dimension is key to make sure we don’t become perplexed and don’t suffer that long way back if you ever get lost.
Too many times we see chefs implode as they simply can't take any more as they strive to remain focused. This is such a loss to our trade and happens way to often.
We work in an extremely demanding and creative sector and the people around us are imperative for us all to succeed - We must work together & nurture to ensure our teams have an enjoyable and educational journey. Together we can prepare (just like the squirrel) create and inspire our guests when they come from far and wide to taste and enjoy our creative seasonal celebrations.
Let's move forward into this fast approaching new season, inspired and ready for the challenge ahead but let's not forget the less fortunate who have been amongst us that sadly are now in an alternative Galaxy.
Let's be like the squirrel and get prepared for some severe exciting seasonal action.