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You Found It....

Time is challenging for many, so if you are in a rush but want to keep refreshed you have navigated to the right place as our fast reader page is designed for you.

Simply swipe away and let your eyes slide down the refresh in one page, once you have more time come back for a deeper look around to find out all the juicy info.

Speed reading is a skill that most of us host but how many can speed skate ?? (this is getting random) Cast your eyes below and feel your cells ignite as your eyes capture glimpses of all things nice

Speedy Gonzales....
Shutterstock 735967666

Get Ready 1, 2, 3 Go, Go, GO!!!!

What’s AMAZING This Week???

Why Not Try Something Ultra-Special ??

With countless fresh flavours landing in our engine room daily it would be a disaster if we didn’t inform you of a few cheeky speciality ingredients that are also on true form this week.

Save Your GP Trust The Fairy

Do You Really Want To Miss It ???

Dont Miss Out On Some Inspirational Facts.

Shutterstock 584313538

Come On You Know You Want To

Click Me!!!

Someone Say Free ???

Shutterstock 559075054

Chorizo Giveaway

Show me the Offer

We Are Feeling WILD...

Don’t Get Caught Out

Potato Trouble

This time of year is critical for the most overused and often forgotten about crop we grow in the UK.

Potatoes are used on most things and over the years there is no doubt it has turned into a commodity crop that we all just expect to be available in good supply and quality at all times. We have been receiving a warning from potato growers across the land and also processes such as lamb Weston, latosa who produce vast volumes of product are also warning of the troublsome season ahead.

Early lifts of the crop are showing signs of lack of large graded potatoes which are used for bakers, chips etc and also reduced yields. Just take a look at the words flowing from Koffman’s

There isn't a shortage we have great relationships and everything is ok at the moment but please be warned as this coming 18/19 season could be extremely troublesome for our trusty tuber.

Koff Statement

Hero Of The Week - **Will Webster**

One night as we navigated our way around our minds our social channels became active with a nudge from a seasoned Delifresh warrior. Will Webster has found his roots as he is firmly cooking his heart out at The Shibden Mill Inn and this little tag sent our mind into overdrive. If you are ever in the area you must stop by and pay the Shibden Mill Inn a visit as its most definitely a culinary delight. Will you are a seasonal champion and for this reason, you have been crowned our Upload HGero of the week. – Get in touch to claim your prize

AA Rosette

Massive congratulations for all that have retained and won new rosettes just awarded.

To name a few Adam Jackson - The Park Restaurant - York, Joro – Sheffield, Micheal McBride – Thirteen Leyburn there are simply too many to mention congratulations to all.

It's amazing to support everyone in their mission to celebrate the seasons and to also see the awards flowing at this time of year.

Adam J

Matt Healy

Matt Healy who is cooking his heart out at the foundry restaurant Leeds has won Newcomer of the year at an acclaimed award and also has some awesome news as he is opening his new venture Gron Kafe – This new concept for Oakwood Leeds will be Vegan-friendly whilst celebrating the northern season.


Potato Glass!!!

This week late night gliding around youtube we came across this most radical potato Sphere and potato GLASS!!

This is truly groovy you must take a look

Go On Take Some Time & Have A Click Around