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Sometimes it’s difficult to be sure if you are utilising the best options when it comes to your side dishes and core garnish needs.

This section will simply highlight 3 core flavours every week which are in abundance and at their best value for the week ahead.

It’s time to see what the GP fairy has captured this coming week.
Shutterstock 618026519
  • Shutterstock 67428223
    January King Cabbage

    The most seasonal cabbage on the planet is so affordable and if you are not utilising it this coming week you will be missing out.

    A purple blushed savoy style cabbage which holds great sweet flavour notes as this hardy cabbage loves the deep cold temperatures that winter offers.

    The time has come to get it shredded, creamed, steamed, blanched.

    Cabbage Balls Anyone (now there's a hearty idea)

  • Shutterstock 11559063371

    We have just been down to the engine room and spotted a brand new delivery of red beetroot from our awesome friends Red Rose.

    Red Beetroot is often forgotten but actually, it could save your GP from destruction as you cant even get a full meal at your favourite fast food place for the price of a 10kg net of these beauties.

    Use red beetroot to its full as it tastes great, performs amazingly and is totally radical.

  • Shutterstock 479684497

    The Ugly One is shrouded in deep mystery, it very rarely disappears but on every occasion that you taste, it will never let you down.

    Celeriac isn't the prettiest thing around but its inner beauty is truly remarkable, we all know what you can achieve from this amazing fella so now is the time to get the best from it and save your GP

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